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USA (856) 688-3734 I Ghana 020 9970 207

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At Thrive Works, we provide skills development and hands-on job training experience for young adults ages 15 - 25. What makes our program unique is the fact that we try to figure out our student's passions and interests, and match them with available opportunities which are and would be in demand through career awareness and counseling as well as an aptitude test. Our Programs include:

  • Digital Skill training in areas including: Photography, Graphics design, Web development, and Digital Marketing
  • Trade Skills Apprenticeship including: Plumbing, Masonry, Carpentry, Electrical works

The students are then connected to clients who need their services or introduced to a site where they can utilize their skills for freelance opportunities.

Projects executed by our beneficiaries

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USA (856) 688-3734 I Ghana 020 9970 207